Toxicological Effects on Silver Nanoparticles as Anticarcinogenic Agent and its Treatment with Curcumin

Document Type : Original Article


Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt


In this study, the efficacy of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) for treatment the Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma cells (EAC) and trials to overcome its side effects by administration of the curcumin were carried out. Hundred and fifty mature male albino mice were divided into fifteen equal groups. Negative control animals were I.P injected with sterile normal saline, Positive control: oral dose curcumin daily an oral dose of (400 mg/Kg BW), suspended in dist. H2O dosed, in the induced cancer control group: mice were inoculated with EAC through serial I/P of 2.5 x 106 EAC tumor cells 0.2 ml at 5-8 days intervals. Inject I.P. with different doses of silver nanoparticles, 100µ AgNPs+induced tumor, 200 µ of AgNPs + tumor induction, l00 µ AgNPs+ curcumin (400 mg/kg) + tumor induction, 200 µ AgNPs + curcumin (400 mg/kg) + tumor induction, 100 µ AgNPs before tumor induction by 15 days , 200 µ AgNPs buffer tumor induction 15 days then tumor induction EAC, 100 µ AgNPs + curcumin  400 µM/kg b.wt.) before induced tumor 15 days then induced tumor EAC, 200 µ AgNPs + curcumin  400  mg/kg bw.t) before induced tumor then tumor induction EAC, 100 µ AgNPs after tumor cell implantation 8 days later, 200 µ AgNPs after tumor cell implantation 8 days later, 100 µ AgNPs + curcumin 400 mg/kg BW) after tumor induction 8 day and 200 µ AgNPs + curcumin 400 mg/kg bw.t) after 8 days tumor induction. All results and histopathologyfindings validated that the silver nanoparticles are good for treatment of EAC and the curcumin can overcome their side effects.


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