"Troponin in Severe Pulmonary Stenosis, is it Important to Measure?"

Document Type : Original Article


Cardiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, 44519, Zagazig, Egypt.


Osteoarthritis (OA) is considered the prevalent arthritis in human and some animals, causing Pulmonary valve stenosis is a congenital disease in most of cases. The treatment of choice is balloon valvuloplasty (BPV) in human. Information is needed regarding analytical characteristics of cardiac troponin  assays used in preclinical studies  which usally are  applied on animal models based on cummualtive knowledge of several studies in the last two deades we  aim to assess the relationship between troponin biomarker and the severity of pulmonary valve stenosis. Thirty-sex patients with severe valvular pulmonary stenosis(PS) were recruited. Comparable control healthy group were involved. Serum troponin I was measured for all the sample populations. Echocardiographic evaluation of pulmonary valveand right ventricular (RV)function were done.Results:The estimated level of cardiac troponin thirty-sex patients with severe valvular PS was recruited, there was significant correlation between peak Systolic pressure gradient (SPG) and troponin in PS ( r = 0.768). There was a significant correlation between troponin level and the parameters of RV diastolicdysfunction (p < 0.001) (r=0.81).Troponin was significantly decreased 2 weeks after BPV (p < 0.01). Conclusion: seum cardiactroponin is elevated in valvular PS and correlates with its severity and associates with RV dysfunction. RV function improved after BPV associated with decrease in the troponin level in human. Troponin could be used as a biomarker for PS severity and the associated RV diastolic dysfunction in human. The human will benefit from relief of pulmonary stenosis by balloon valvoplasty as in our study and other studies which made on animals with pulmonarystenosis


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