Pathophysiology of osteoarthritis and Current Treatment

Document Type : Review Article


Pathology Department, Faculty of Vet Med,Zagazig University


Osteoarthritis (OA) is considered the prevalent arthritis in human and some animals, causing joint pain and disability that reduces quality of life. The exact etiology of OA is unknown till now but there is a variety of predisposing factors for the occurrence of osteoarthritis (OA) such as previous joint injury, genetics, obesity, sex, anatomical abnormalities and excessive load; meanwhile, the predominant factor is ageing. Understanding the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis is a must to provide effective treatment options. Previous researches had studied the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis However several controversies still present. Currently still there is no substantial therapy for OA; treatment options concentrate on the relief of signs. The main goals of therapy are pain relief, improved joint function, and joint stability. New trials of therapies are under study and some of them did promising effects as approaches to regenerative medical therapies such as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Nanotechnology. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of pathophysiology information and of the various therapeutic resources suitable for OA.


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