Radiographic Examination of Rabbit Foeti Under the Effect of Hypervitaminosis A

Document Type : Original Article


Anatomy and Embryology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, 44511, Egypt


Fifteen full term rabbit foeti representing control and four treated groups (three from each group) were inspected by X-rays device at dorsoventral, ventrodorsal and bilateral views to assess the normal developmental process of the skeleton (control group) and skeletal malformations after excess dosage of vitamin A (treated groups). There were ossification centers represented by two radiolucent lines extending along the vertebral column as well as two radiolucent spots representing the ossification centers in the pelvis in all groups. The secondary ossification centers of the extremities were radiographically investigated in the proximal and distal extremities of humerus, femur and proximal extremity of tibia. Incomplete fusion, leaving an epiphyseal line, was found in the proximal and distal epiphyses of long bones. The results of our study provide a schematic atlas of normal examinations of the rabbit skeleton and its ossification centers. Such findings are useful in the interpretation of any cross- sectional pictures in this species and elucidate the impact of hypervitaminosis A on skeletal development.


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