Trials to Detoxificate Aflatoxin Contaminated Fish Diet and its Use Safely (Residual and Histopathological Study)

Document Type : Original Article



This experiment aimed to measure the influence of dietary probiotics and prebiotics on aflatoxin contaminated fish diet. A total of 80 Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings with an average initial body weight of about 14 g was randomly allocated to 8 aquaria Each treatment was performed in two replicates at a rate of 10 fish for each replicate. Nile tilapia fingerlings supplemented with four diets for 70 days. First group was fed on basal diet without aflatoxin or feed additives(control) , 2nd gp was fed on basal diet but contaminated with 150 ppb aflatoxin, 3rd gp was fed contaminated diet plus0.1% Rotamin   and 4th group was fed contaminated diet plus0. 0.2% Power top. Histopathological results showed severe degenerative lesions in the liver of fish exposed to aflatoxin B1without feed additives, while the groups exposed to aflatoxin B1with 0.1% Rotamin or 0.2% Power top showed mostly normal liver and reduction in the aflatoxin B1 residues in fish body.

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